
The genetic algorithm (GA) has a helper class that is used to parse .yml files to read the configuration that has to be used.

This configuration GeneticBaseConfig class can be extended and modified at will.

The parameters that can be modified are divided by sections.

Main section

In this section we have the main controls of the genetic algorithm:

  • population_size: The size of the population that will be used in the GA. It has to be an integer value and it defaults to 100.

  • max_generations: The maximum number of generations that will be used in the GA. It has to be an integer value and it defaults to 500.

  • optimization_objective: The objective of the optimization. It can be max or min. It has to be a string and can only be either max or min.

  • selection: The selection method that will be used in the GA. It can be any of the following values: random, elitism, rank, order, roulette or tournament.

  • crossover: The crossover method that will be used in the GA.It can be any of the following values: one-split, two-split, mask, linear, flat, blend or gaussian.

  • replacement: The replacement method that will be used in the GA. It can be any of the following values: random, only-offspring, elitist or elitist-stochastic.

  • mutation_control: The mutation control method that will be used in the GA. It can be static, gene-based, population-based or adaptative.

  • mutation_base_rate: The base mutation rate that will be used in the GA. It can be any float number between 0 and 1 and it defaults to 0.1.

An example of the .yml file can be seen following:

population_size = 100
max_generations = 100
optimization_objective = max
selection = tournament
crossover = one_split
replacement = elitism
mutation_control = adaptative
mutation_base_rate = 0.1

Individual section

The section for the individual has the following parameters:

  • encoding: The encoding that will be used in the GA. It can be binary, integer or real.

  • gene_length: The length of the genome that will be used in the GA. It has to be an integer value and it defaults to 0.

  • gene_min_value: The minimum value that a gene can have. It has to be a float value.

  • gene_max_value: The maximum value that a gene can have. It has to be a float value.

An example of the .yml file can be seen following:

encoding = binary
gene_length = 10
gene_min_value = 0.0
gene_max_value = 1.0

Selection section

The section for the selection has the following parameters:

  • elitism_size: The size of the elitism that will be used in the GA. It has to be an integer value and it defaults to 20.

  • tournament_size: The size of the tournament that will be used in the GA. It has to be an integer value and it defaults to 2.

  • rank_pressure: The rank pressure that will be used in the GA. It has to be a float value between 1 and 2 and defaults to 2.

An example of the .yml file can be seen following:

elitism_size = 20
tournament_size = 2
rank_pressure = 2.0

Crossover section

The section for the crossover has the following parameters:

  • offspring_size: The size of the offspring that will be used in the GA. It has to be an integer value and it defaults to 100.

  • blend_expansion: The blend expansion that will be used in the GA. It has to be a float value and defaults to 0.5.

An example of the .yml file can be seen following:

offspring_size = 100
blend_expansion = 0.5

Mutation section

The section for the mutation has the following parameters:

  • generation_adaptative: The generation adaptative that will be used in the GA. It has to be an integer value and it defaults to 10.

An example of the .yml file can be seen following:

generation_adaptative = 10